Altec 641 VS Logitech Z-560
Altec 641: 86%
Z-560: 94%
跟據Firingsquad的測試 Z-560 勝過 Altec 641
Z-560: $130
Altec 641: $173
還有你認為600W 瞬間值 (burst power.. similar to PMPO) 會比400W RMS 持續值還大聲嗎? (跟據全創的說法 AB 有 770W "burst" power 如果用BASH的測法, 雖然它只有270W RMS)
Nonetheless, the 650s are endowed with a powerful amplifier. They don't reach the levels of the Z-680s,
音樂的話古典音樂 (or jazz or easy listening)MW 或許勝過Z-560不少, 不過比rock 或 trance 的話MW 反而輸給Z-560.
如果是看DivX 的話 5.1 跟 4.1 和 2.1 是沒啥差別, 而遊戲的話 大部份是以4.1 為主, 很少是用5.1的.
188 RMS watts of rolling thunder swiftly explain how enormous the bass is from this system. In comparison, even the Klipsch ProMedia subwoofer can’t hold a candle to the Z560 sub. Where the ProMedias and the Altec 641s fizzle out, is where the Z560 sub can really be felt
I believe the strongest point of the 650s is the sub. It's not a huge box and it doesn't have the kick of the Logitech thumper
純比低音勁力的話MW/PM/Altec不是680/560的對手, 而 680的 sub 比 560 還小聲一點呢 (183W vs 188W), 所以在特效上 (爆炸聲, 槍聲, 轟炸聲 etc) 會比較"震撼"
所以啦, 買喇叭還是依據自己的需求才買的, 像我的話 Z-560 就夠了.. 而我又不用DVD (我用DivX).. 所以5.1 對我來說不是很重要, 反而bass對我來說比較重視 (低音主義者